28 June 2024news

Cayman opens Asia office

The Cayman Islands Government has officially opened its Asia office, with the intention of establishing and deepening strong public and private-sector relations throughout the region.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Financial Services and Commerce, the Hon. André M Ebanks MP; the Ministry's Chief Officer Dr Dax Basdeo; and Government's Deputy Representative for Financial Services to Europe Julie Campbell attended the commemorative reception at Swissotel the Stamford in Singapore.

Hosted by Government's Representative in the Asia Office, Gene DaCosta, event attendees also included UK, Singapore and Cayman government officials, and financial services industry members and regulators representing the Cayman Islands and the Asia region.

In addition to the official opening the Deputy Premier was to attend the Financial Action Task Force Plenary in Singapore, where he planned to attend sessions and side events on subjects that are pertinent to the Cayman Islands, such as beneficial ownership. The delegation also planned to participate in a Cayman Finance industry roundtable to engage with stakeholders on financial services developments.

"Our recent visit to Asia clearly reaffirmed the benefits of providing real-time services and corresponding support in the region," the Deputy Premier said. "The Cayman Islands has longstanding, valuable business connections throughout the region, and Government is looking forward to strengthening our financial services position while remaining a good regulatory partner globally."

The Asia office is one of three overseas offices under the Ministry's remit. The Europe office, based in Government's longstanding London office premises, began operating in March this year; and the Washington DC office opened in December 2022.

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