27 September 2024   Multiple events triggered the fund to pay out for the first time.

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Alex Gedge, senior captive consultant at Hylant Global Captive Solutions, explains how captives can be used to manage wildfire and other risks.
Leon Rives of RH CPAs, Captive International’s first Company of the Month, talks about the state of the market—and how RH CPAs is well-placed to thrive in challenging times.
Leon Rives of RH CPAs, Captive International’s first Company of the Month, talks about how the company came into being and the five core values that have made it so successful.
Chiara Nannini and Lauren Pereira of Conyers explore why Bermuda has been so successful as a captive insurance domicile over the past decades.
Ahead of the 2024 Bermuda Captive Conference, Captive International spoke with Thomas McMahon, BCC chair, to talk about likely topics of discussion at the event.
Segregated accounts companies are continuing to grow in popularity. Nicola Hallett and Mike Woytowicz of Artex in Bermuda analyse the key drivers behind that growth and developments in this area over the past year.
In the second of our articles based on an online panel of experts assembled by Captive International, the impact of artificial intelligence and other elements was discussed.
The captive insurance market has long been a cornerstone of risk management strategies for businesses across various industries, as we discover in the first of two features covering Captive International’s Bermuda online panel.
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25 September 2024   Hong Kong continues to make progress on the captive front.
25 September 2024   The new appointees include a captive expert.
24 September 2024   Don’t miss the chance to vote in our Cayman awards, which closes in two weeks.
24 September 2024   Survey reveals bullish market with growth across the board.
24 September 2024   The three are in different offices across the US.
23 September 2024   The company has studied this year’s flooding in Europe for risk management lessons.
23 September 2024   The company’s ratings have been affirmed, with its balance sheet praised as being strong.
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